Teaching Resources
World Government Week, Introduction
World Government Week, Annotated Syllabus
World Government Week, Unannotated Syllabus
Professor Joseph Schwartzberg's Workable World Trust produced a Model UN module that gives students an opportunity to compare the Security Council as it currently exists with Professor Schwartzberg's model. To access this module, click here.
World Government Web Links
1) Official site of the Campaign for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly. The Berlin-based organization has enlisted pledges of support from more than 1400 parliamentarians worldwide and represents one of the most important current movements for democratic global political integration. Its site is available in English, German, French and Spanish” https://en.unpacampaign.org/
2) The Great Transition Initiative: Prominent global academics and practitioners engaged in roundtable-style dialogue on issues related to the development of a more humane, rights-respecting and sustainable global system: https://greattransition.org/
3) Official Site of the Union of European Federalists, “Promoting a United, Democratic and Federal Europe:” https://www.federalists.eu/
4) Official site of the World Federalist Movement / Institute for Global Policy. Dating to 1947, it is one of the longest standing organizations devoted to the promotion of global political integration. The site contains a great deal of current information related to world government, as well as details on how the organization continues to promote its global institutional vision: http://www.wfm-igp.org/about/overview
5) Official site of the Democratic World Federalists, formerly the World Federalists of Northern California, based in San Francisco. Well constructed site offering a great deal of information: https://dwfed.org/
6) Official site of the World Government of World Citizens. Much of this site is dedicated to the ideas and career of Garry Davis, the renowned ‘World Citizen No. 1’ who renounced his US citizenship in 1948 and claimed world citizenship on ‘UN soil’ in France. The site offers a good deal of useful historical material, and it still offers application forms for The World Passport: https://worldservice.org/
Backgrounders on World Government
1) Luis Cabrera (2014) “All for One: World Government is Back, in Geopolitics and in the Academy, But What Does the Future Hold for It?” Aeon Magazine. http://aeon.co/magazine/world-views/will-a-world-government-work/
2) Catherine Lu (2012) “World Government,” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/world-government/
3) Campbell Craig (2008) “The Resurgent Idea of World Government,” Ethics & International Affairs 22(2): 133–142. http://www.oneworlduv.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/ow_ccraig_ethicsintl_affairs.pdf
4) Luis Cabrera (2010) “World Government: Renewed Debate, Persistent Challenges,” European Journal of International Relations 16(3): 511-30. Available here.
5) Wikipedia’s world government entry, with some notable omissions, but also some good information and useful citations from the literature.
Related Articles:
1) Matt Novak (2013) “One World Government and the War of Tomorrow,” Smithsonian. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/one-world-government-and-the-war-of-tomorrow-19943528/?no-ist
2) Jonathan Kuyper (2015) “Global Democracy,” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/global-democracy/
Global Democracy and Justice, Lecture Series
Section I: Developing A Global Framework
1. The History and Future of Democracy
2. A Democratic World is Possibl
3. Federalism and World Federalism
4. Is Globalisation the Problem?
5. Love is All You Need, Or is it?
Section II: Problems of the Current ‘International’ System
Section III: Key World Federalist Thinkers
12. Rosika Schwimmer: A Feminist’s Struggle for World Citizenship
13. Albert Einstein: A Vision of a Unified World
14. Jawahlarlal Nehru: An Anti-Imperialist’s Quest for One World
15. Josue de Castro: World Federation to End World Hunger
16. Kwame Nkrumah: World Federalism instead of Neo-Colonialism
17. Hideki Yukawa: World Peace through World Federation
18. The History of the World Federalist Movement
Section IV: Ways Forward
19. Debunking the Objections to Global Democracy
21. Domesticating the International System
23. From Global Oligarchy to Global Democracy
25. Pathways to World Federation